
Princess and Pee

Once I was caught in a snowstorm after work. The free-way was jammed and turned into a free-parking. The bright headlights reviled everything in the dark. Men claimed the unsigned restrooms everywhere. But where is it for women?? Sorry we don’t have that build-in convenience. I was so exhausted by that bio-need. The similar situation happened when I was hiking, skiing, or even ride a long distance bus. I tried some of the products available on the market, they don’t work well. This idea is to invent something to bring that convenience to women, with sanity.

A Side Note

The first time before I went to Germany, I had prepared myself with some basic German dialogs. That was before the smart phone and google translator era. But once there, I was caught by something very unexpected. The first German public restroom I hurried to was in a large park. The signs was not in male/female symbols but Herren/Damen instead, which was not in my limited vocabulary. I was standing outside waited and waited, until finally another person came. If no one showed up before natural took its force, and I had to guess, it would put me in a big trouble in a foreign country! Since, Herren(male) starts with “Her” and Damen(female) ends with “men” 😂!

“A picture is more than a thousand words”. In contrast, Amsterdam did make its effort to go international. Look at their restroom signs in a business building where Amazon and Uber offices were hosted. On top of the gender, it also suggested the urgency. And of course, they can play with words too 😂!




Doodling Away